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Godley Independent School District - Empowering Students

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Godley ISD School Board of Trustees 2023-24

Godley ISD school board trustees held their regular monthly meeting on October 23, 2023, at Godley High School.

Following its third review, trustees adopted a district improvement plan that includes a comprehensive needs assessment and other data to determine goals, projects and resources for the school district.  The board also had its second review of campus improvement plans.  Plans are based on seven pillars through the Community-Based Accountability System.  

Board members adopted a policy change to designate places for all trustees so that two or three places would be up for election each May.  Candidates would file for a place rather than the board in general. There would be no change in candidate eligibility and residency requirements set by state law.  Trustees would still be elected by plurality through at-large voting and serve staggered three-year terms, and the community will continue voting on all seven places rather than a designated place for a geographic area.  In a plurality voting system, the candidate with the highest number of votes wins.

Board members discussed a change to the District of Innovation plan that allows schools to waive certain portions of state law in order to provide flexibility.  The amendment allows the district to modify implementation of a newly enacted state law mandating disciplinary placement for all students in possession of nicotine e-cigarettes.  With the amended flexibility, campus administrators would determine appropriate action for first-time offenders caught with vaping devices to include in-school suspension and counseling support.  Placement in the disciplinary alternative setting would be required for those determined to be selling or distributing vaping devices as well as for those, depending on age, in possession of devices on subsequent offenses.

At a recent special meeting, trustees approved a separate amendment to the district innovation plan that previously allowed for the employment of non-certified individuals for career or vocational fields, bilingual education or languages other than English.  The change provides additional flexibility for staff members participating in the Teachworthy program, a “grow your own” initiative that helps paraprofessionals earn college degrees and become certified teachers through both hands-on experience and on-the-job training. 

The board discussed but took no action on revisions to regulations for school board meetings.  As the primary responsibility of a school board meeting is to conduct the business of the school, facilitating a safe and secure environment for our board members, administration, employees, students and community attendees is vital to that charge.  This helps ensure that all stakeholders, regardless of their background, can actively participate in the meeting without fear of discrimination, intimidation, bias or ridicule. When stakeholders feel safe and secure, they are more likely to express their opinions, concerns and ideas openly and honestly. This  transparency will promote effective communication, collaboration and decision making, which can lead to better outcomes for students.

Reports to the board included:

  • The board heard from Satterfield & Pontikes Construction Company regarding facility progress for Phase 2 projects at GHS including The WILD career and technical education center and competition gymnasium. In addition, REEDER Construction reported on Phase 3 construction for the high school’s fine arts wing as well as refurbishment of the athletic field at Legacy Elementary School.

The board approved minutes from last month’s regular meeting and a recent special meeting, budget amendments, as well as financial, investment and tax reports. 

School trustees have their next regularly scheduled board meeting on Monday, Nov. 13. 

  • School Board