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Godley Independent School District - Empowering Students

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CTE Month - Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow!

Godley ISD school board trustees adopted a resolution proclaiming February as Career and Technical Education Month at the regular monthly meeting on February 21, 2024.

The resolution reaffirmed the school district’s commitment to CTE programs that offer students the opportunity to gain academic, technical and employability skills necessary for true career readiness.

CTE students participate in authentic, meaningful experiences that improve the quality of their education and increase their engagement and achievement. The program provides students with career exploration opportunities earlier in their educational experience, which enables them to make informed and beneficial decisions about their academic coursework and pursue established programs of study and career pathways

According to CTE director Nikki Nix, the GISD program connects students to careers and post-secondary education, providing real-world experience and preparing students for the workforce. Godley High School currently offers classes in nine of 14 career clusters adopted by the Texas Education Agency:

  • Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

  • Arts, AV Technology & Communications

  • Business, Marketing & Finance

  • Education & Training

  • Health Science

  • Human Services

  • Information Technology

  • Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

There are numerous programs of study within each cluster, and many include capstone experiences such as student-led enterprises, certifications and internships.  In addition, students may participate in a variety of student organizations such as Godley FFA, Godley Squadron (drone), HOSA-Future Health Professionals, Robotics Team and TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators).

The district continues to invite business people and community leaders to help with the CTE program by serving as a mentor, subject matter expert, guest speaker, mock interviewer and in other ways to support students.  This will help grow the next generation of leaders and help Godley as the community grows and needs more highly-trained professionals.

As the school district nears completion of The WILD, the four-story CTE center just north of the high school and football field, Nix plans ongoing development of age-appropriate programs for elementary and middle school students, capstone experiences that include student-led enterprises, as well as internships and certifications.

  • Career and Technical Education
  • Godley High School
  • School Board