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Godley Independent School District - Empowering Students

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A “reading buddy” program kicked off at Legacy Elementary School on August 30, 2024, with fifth graders partnering up with younger students in kindergarten and first grade.

Reading buddies meet each week for thirty minutes, according to fifth grade teacher Amy Rother.

“This time helps our fifth graders learn reading fluency and expression,” Rother said.  “Meanwhile, the kindergartners and first graders benefit by having one-on-one reading assistance with instant feedback as they emerge as readers.  The younger students also benefit by seeing our fifth graders as role models demonstrating their love of reading with the youngsters.”

A big part of the program is that both age levels work on social skills and interactions with students from different grade levels.

“It's a wonderful way to end each week, and the students love it," commented Rother.

  • Legacy Elementary