R.B. Godley Elementary School ‘houses” focused on integrity as part of the school’s continued effort to build a positive campus culture on March 1, 2024.
Launched last August, the ten houses meet monthly, all have unique names, colors and character traits: Coraggio (courage), Giusto (fairness), Gratiam (gratitude), Heshima (respect), Honestidade (trustworthiness), Igunya (responsibility), Ionracas (integrity), Orgulho (school pride), Quadriga (teamwork) and Uthando (caring).
The March character lesson was led by Inoracas to focus on integrity - no matter where they are while understanding the difference between right and wrong. Students discussed demonstrating integrity at school by following the rules, being honest and avoiding gossip. In the community, they can pick up trash at the park and also hold doors open for others.
Students used “integrity rocks” to make a promise both to their house and to themselves to use integrity at school and at home. A calendar helps students focus by coloring a box for each day that they met their integrity challenge.
The school will also complete community service projects each month.
The house concept originated with renowned educator Ron Clark, who uses the program at his academy in Atlanta. Through the system, students develop relationships and comradery across grade levels, and the teams also emphasize monthly character topics and community service projects.
The program includes all students at the PK-5 campus.
- R.B. Godley Elementary