R.B. Godley Elementary School fifth grader Eli Marski recently shared with his classmates about his experience as a kidney transplant recipient.
Eli’s presentation centered on his 10-year “kidney birthday,” which he and his family celebrated on October 4. The fifth grader wanted to share his story with his class and explain the importance of kidney functions as well as highlight organ donation, according to his mother Kami Williams. Classmates had the opportunity to ask questions before enjoying some themed cookies.
After surviving a traumatic birth injury with severe blood loss, a newborn Eli experienced hypoxia throughout his tiny body. After being given little chance of recovery, the little boy started to improve and was discharged after 47 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. The only organs that never fully healed were his kidneys, Eli’s mother said.
Once big enough, the young Eli was included on the transplant list - at the tender age of 17 months old. He received his gift of life on October 4, 2014, from a 16-year-old motocross racer who suffered a fatal accident and head injury during a race in Boyd.
Eli’s life changed for the better immediately. “He will always be immunocompromised due to all of the transplant medications that he has to take,” explained his mother. “He spends days and weeks in the hospital frequently, but by the grace of God, he has continued to overcome every hurdle with amazing strength and resilience that is unmatched.”
In September, Eli and his twin sister, Emilee, represented Kidney Kids and Siblings for Camp Reynal for a fashion show benefiting Kidney Texas, Inc., an organization dedicated to provide funding to improve the methods of treatment, the search for a cure and prevention of kidney disease and other kindred or contributory diseases.
- R.B. Godley Elementary