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Godley Independent School District - Empowering Students

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It may have been Halloween, but Legacy Elementary School used the special atmosphere to feature an all-day reading initiative on October 31, 2023.

Like other campuses, Legacy hosted Storybook Character Day by encouraging students to wear their Halloween costumes depicting their favorite characters from books.  Parents and families joined the youngsters during a parade through the hallways and the outside sidewalks.

In the afternoon, Legacy Reads welcomed parents and community volunteers who read books to classes, while some students enjoyed individual reading challenges with selections from choice boards.

“Legacy Reads is a day in which we as a campus get to celebrate reading,” commented Principal Ammie Hill.  “I loved that the students were able to have choices for their reading activities, and. I was super excited to have parents come in and read to groups of students.”

Reading and literacy are important academic focal points for Godley ISD and campuses to promote student learning and progress as well as student readiness.

  • Legacy Elementary