The Godley ISD Long Range Facility Planning Committee remained focused on planning for future school buildings during its seventh meeting on November 16, 2022, at Godley High School.
Like the previous session on Nov. 2, the committee divided into working groups that each evaluated potential projects based on estimated costs and needs for future growth. Each small group made their own choices to be included in a prospective bond package to recommend to school board trustees. The session concluded with each group reporting their selected options to the whole committee.
This meeting followed opening sessions that launched the LRFPC’s discovery and planning process and focused on the vision for education in the school district, asking the question “What do we want for our kids at Godley ISD?”
At the opening session on Aug. 31, discussions centered on a “yesterday, today, tomorrow” exercise for participants to examine topics including facilities, technology, infrastructure, academics, instructional delivery methods, traditions and more. Each team listed items - those from the past that should be discontinued, for today that are or should be implemented now, and for the future – and then reported out to the large group at the end of the meeting.
During the second meeting on Sept. 7, committee members participated in a Vision Board exercise where they reviewed a series of images for instructional settings as well as other images of spaces outside of classrooms. During break-out discussions, small groups evaluated the images and noted pros and cons for each depiction of settings that included open-concept arrangements, a variety of seating options and virtual reality as well as other technology devices.
The third meeting on Sept. 21 featured presentations on growth in district enrollment, current construction projects, and a history of past bond initiatives. Superintendent Dr. Rich Dear reported that enrollment continues to climb with the number of students increasing 67% over the last ten years, with 1,672 students enrolled in 2012 compared to just over 2,800 for the current school year. Enrollment has increased an average of 7% annually but that growth rate could increase to 15% each year over the next few years. Demographers predict that the district will add nearly 900 new students in the near future and add 5,000 over the next ten years.
At the fourth meeting on Oct. 5, committee members reviewed existing district facilities as well as the campus capacities for each current school and then engaged in a capacity analysis exercise to plan for new campuses and campus additions to support 5,000 additional students.
Discussions centered on growth opportunities for future campuses as well as the master plan for GHS, where current construction is adding a four-story career and technical education center with over 40 classrooms and instructional spaces, a competition gymnasium and a fine arts wing. The committee also reviewed 2021 bond projects postponed due to inflationary costs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The last session on Oct. 19, Jeff Robert, a managing director with Hilltop Securities, reviewed the school district’s financial position and the general structure of bonds to pay for new buildings and capital projects. Robert reported that any bond approval would not result in a tax rate increase for Godley homeowners or businesses; new bonds instead would be financed through new growth. The group reviewed estimated costs for facility options developed from prior discussions, and each member evaluated the list and selected their own priorities from among those projects.
The facilities group includes a mix of parents, students, community members and district staff numbering almost 60 strong.
- Long Range Facility Planning 2022