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Godley Independent School District - Empowering Students

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Media Credentials for Stadium Sideline Access


  1. All media personnel must request credentials from the Chief Communications Officer (or designee) at with name, phone number and organizational information.

  2. Media credentials will be distributed by the Chief Communications Officer (or designee) prior to the game.

  3. Eligible media personnel are:

    • staff or freelance writers, photographers or videographers representing recognized news organizations

    • local radio staff

    • student photographers or videographers authorized by principal and sponsoring teacher for class project/activity

  4. Private photographers/videographers will not be granted credentials.


  1. All media personnel must remain outside the player box (marked on the sideline as the area between the 25-yard lines).  Use the track for moving back and forth between sides.

  2. All media personnel must remain a safe distance back from the sideline so as not to interfere with officiating crew, chain crew and players.

  3. Media personnel may not access locker rooms.

  4. Media personnel must follow instructions from district/school administration as well as the officiating crew.

Credentials and protocols must be followed at away games and playoff games hosted at other facilities.  Those stadiums may have additional protocols that must be followed by all media personnel.

Failure to obtain and display credentials or to follow protocols may result in the loss of sideline access.