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Godley Independent School District - Empowering Students

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Parent-School Compact

Goldey ISD Title I Parent-School Compact

Title I Section 118 (d): Each school served shall jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved students achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State's standards. 

The parent is the student's first teacher. It is the responsibility of the school and home to share a responsibility in providing an opportunity for all students to have a productive and happy life. 

School Responsibilities: 

To treat the parent and student with respect and dignity, while maintaining appropriate authority and discipline.  

To provide clear expectations to students and parents throughout the school year, to include two parent-teacher conferences per year.  To provide suggestions for the parents on how they can help their child (children) at home.  

To provide learning materials and variety of techniques to assist the student in achieving success. 

To provide progress reports to parents every six weeks. 

To invite parents to visit and to volunteer in the classroom and at school. 

Parent Responsibilities:  

To treat the teacher, principal, and other school staff with respect and dignity. 

To monitor daily homework and provide a regular time for study. 

To take an active interest in the student's progress by checking for progress reports and report cards and following up on low grades.  To attend the parent-teacher conferences. 

To make every effort to visit the teacher's classroom. 

To ensure that students attend school regularly, arrive on time to school, and to send a note when the student is absent. To monitor Television and digital media usage. 

To take time to read daily with your child. 

Student Responsibilities:  

To be in school every day he/she is not ill. 

To arrive at school on time. 

To treat teachers, principals, and other staff and students with respect. 

To make a total effort to do the schoolwork and homework required.  

To practice appropriate behavior, self-control, and self-discipline. 

To have all materials and homework necessary to do the schoolwork. 

To take time to read daily. 

This voluntary contract is designed to stress the importance of shared responsibilities involved in this agreement. Godley ISD sincerely hopes you and your child will sign this contract, and will make a conscious effort to live by the responsibilities addressed.