Triennial Assessments
Every local education agency (LEA) participating in the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program are required to develop, implement, and assess a local wellness policy (LWP).
A Local Wellness Policy (LWP) is a written document of official policies that outlines district level goals to establish, evaluate, and maintain healthy school environments. The LWP describes how the LEA will address local, state, and federal requirements for nutrition education and promotion, physical activity, and school-based activities that promote student wellness. The LWP is written by the School Health Advisory Committee, or equivalent representation, and approved by the school board or governing board.
Once the LWP is approved, the School Health Advisory Committee or equivalent representation develops a wellness plan. The wellness plan generates a strategy that describes how the policies will be implemented into the school environment. Every three years, the LEA must complete a triennial assessment to evaluate school compliance and progress towards attaining goals in the LWP.