In accordance with GISD Policy FFA(Local)
Goal #1 This wellness plan is designed to implement the District’s nutrition guidelines and wellness goals and addresses the following: nutrition, physical activity and school-based activities to promote student wellness.
Campus Action Steps
All steps will be reviewed annually.
- All students participate in required physical education classes including activities such as:
- Annual Fitnessgram
- 30 Mile Club @ the intermediate campus
- Elementary Running Club
- Annual Fun Runs elementary and intermediate campuses
- Additional recess time allotted at the elementary campus.
- Nutritional guidelines and food allergy awareness signs posted in all cafeterias.
- AEDs and EpiPens will be available for emergencies in well-traveled areas for easy access.
- Summer feeding programs will be promoted and implemented as identified or required as a need.
- All campuses will be staffed with a licensed nurse at least 4 days a week and will conduct the following:
- Vision screening
- Scoliosis screening
- Hearing screening
- Acanthosis Nigrican screening
- Shattered Dreams Program will be implemented at the high school on a 4-year rotation.
- All high school seniors will be trained in CPR.
- Water fountains with water-bottle filler attachments are in new high school and elementary campuses.
- 100% of eighth-grade students will participate in health education classes.
- Drug awareness and Red Ribbon activities will take place on elementary and intermediate campuses.
- Blood drive at the high school for staff and students with an opportunity for donating students to wear red cords as part of graduation regalia.
- GISD will partner with colleges and provide health science classes and endorsements for students.
- GISD counselors will provide counseling for students and overall education regarding suicide awareness and teen dating violence.
- Diabetes training will be provided by GISD nursing staff to office staff and applicable bus drivers.
- Texas Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistant (UDCA) Training will be provided to all necessary employees.
- Summer camps will be offered to students and pre-school when applicable including:
- Tennis
- Football
- Basketball
- Cheerleading
- Aim For Success program for all 7th and 9th-grade students focusing on sexuality/abstinence, technology/sexting, and pornography.
- Bullying, drugs, alcohol and vaping education will take place via contracted agencies or campus counselors and delivered to age-appropriate audiences in an age-appropriate format.
Goal #2 Activities to promote wellness for parents, staff members and the larger community and manner of communication to the public applicable information about the District’s wellness policy and plan.
District Action Steps
All steps will be reviewed annually.
- Shattered Dreams Program will be implemented at the high school in coordination with community members, first-responders and appropriate county agencies.
- GISD has partnered with Camp Gladiator to provide facilities for staff and community members to participate in structured exercise daily at a GISD discounted rate.
- GISD staff may join YMCA at a discounted rate.
- GISD SHAC committee will team with coordinate with vendors, community first-responders, and related agencies to host a community-wide health fair on school property.
- GISD track will remain open to community and signs with times posted and weight rooms open to staff members during times when students are not present.
- Skylert notifications
- Periodic surveys
- GISD wellness policy & plan and SHAC meeting minutes are made available on
- The SHAC reviews and revises the plan on a regular basis and seeks recommendations and revisions to the wellness plan frequently..
Goal #3 Soliciting involvement by and input from persons interested in the wellness plan and policy.
Campus Action Steps
All steps will be reviewed annually.
- Send Skylert notifications
- Make announcement(s) at PTO Meetings throughout the school year
- Made information available on our web page with invitation letter
- Invite the District Improvement Committee to SHAC meetings & seek input
Goal #4 Objectives, benchmarks, and activities for implementing the wellness goals and methods for measuring implementation of the wellness goals are in place.
Campus Action Steps
All steps will be reviewed annually.
- Hand out flyers with nutrition activities & information for students & families
- Maintain health education curriculum
- Nutritional information (posters) are displayed in the cafeteria & dining areas
- PE curriculum will include positive health & wellness activities
- District-wide surveys to track results
- Health classes curriculum documentation
- Review activities from the time of last SHAC meeting for effectiveness and policy enforcement